MONOCUL is a new anthology horror comic written by Traveling Show frontman Dalton Deschain and illustrated by a rotating cast of the best underground comic artists out there.
The series combines the pulpy blood and monsters of Tales From the Crypt with an incisive and highly critical look at the biggest titans of Silicon Valley technocapitalism. Every story revolves around a fictional tech mega-corporation called MONOCUL (think Apple, Amazon, Google, etc). The series travels around to every facet of their monolithic global presence to uncover the hidden terrors that lurk beneath the surface.
Browse through some sample stories below, and then buy the physical volumes here or subscribe to the Patreon to get new stories delivered to your inbox as they come out.
“Overtime Payback,” from MONOCUL, Vol. 1: Sphinx Different. Art by Mike Shohet, letters by Jeremiah Lambert.
“Death From Above,” from MONOCUL, Vol. 2: Season of the Rich. Art by Daniel Buksa, letters by Jeremiah Lambert.
“Incurable,” from MONOCUL, Vol. 3: Dongle of the Dead. Art by Daniel Buksa, letters by Jeremiah Lambert.
“Drained,” from MONOCUL, Vol. 4: Stream Queens. Art by Mike Shohet, letters by Jeremiah Lambert.
“Content Warning,” from MONOCUL, Vol. 5: The Hills Have A.I. Art by Y.Sanders, letters by Jeremiah Lambert.
“Corporate Krampus,” from MONOCUL, Vol. 6: Corporate Krampus. Art by Daniel Buksa, letters by Jeremiah Lambert.
“Tales From The Crypto,” from MONOCUL, Vol. 7: Tales From The Crypto. Art by Y.Sanders, letters by Jeremiah Lambert. Print volume coming soon!
Read all 20+ MONOCUL stories, plus get exclusive music and other writings, by becoming a patron!